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The role and importance of the co-obligor in guarantees
03 February 2024 Insights on Sureties

What is the difference between a guarantor and a co-obligor in guarantees?

The role and importance of the co-obligor in guarantees Guarantees are financial instruments widely used in commercial and financial transactions, where one party commits to guaranteeing the payment of a debt should the main debtor fail to do... » Read the article
palazzi in costruzione

New Ministerial Directives and Procurement Code: Increased Competition and Transparency

Interpretation of the New Procurement Code and the Circular from the Ministry of Infrastructure The Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, in collaboration with the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, has recently published an essential interpretative circular on... » Read the article
Contracts 2024 Surety Verification, Construction Site Open
21 January 2024 Insights on Sureties

Public Procurement News 2024: Verification of the Authenticity of Surety Bonds via Certified Email (PEC) – Deadline June 30

Discover the latest news on procurement: until June 30, 2024, verify the authenticity of surety bonds also via Certified Email (PEC). Stay updated with ANAC directives and available options. In a recent development in the procurement sector, ANAC... » Read the article
Insurance Guarantees for Terna SPA Contracts

Insurance Guarantees for Terna SPA Contracts

Change in Project Financing: Insurance Guarantees as a Strategic Lever for Terna SPA Tender Competitions Insurance guarantees represent a type of guarantee that a company can use to participate in tender competitions, such as those organized by Terna... » Read the article
Surety Bonds for Energy Contracts

Surety Policies: A Bridge for Successful Energy Contracts with Enel and Eni

Navigating the world of Enel and Eni contracts with the security of surety policies for Enel and Eni contracts In the context of contracts for large energy companies like Enel and Eni, security and guarantee are fundamental.  Here,... » Read the article
Insurance Guarantees for Trenitalia Contracts Security and Reliability in the Railway Sector

Insurance Guarantees for Trenitalia Contracts: Security and Reliability in the Railway Sector

We have the Insurance Guarantee dedicated to Trenitalia public contracts, RFI, Italferr, and Grandi Stazioni. In an era characterized by intense competition in the public procurement sector, security and reliability have become crucial to ensure the correct execution... » Read the article
Decree No. 237 of 2023

Revolution in Regulations for Authorized Heavy Vehicle Centers: Decree No. 237 of 2023

The 2 Mandatory Insurance Policies Simplification of Procedures and New Standards: A Step Forward for the Heavy Transport Industry and the Financial Capacity of Auto Revision Centers 2024 Do you need the Professional Liability Insurance Policy for registration... » Read the article
When a Surety Bond is Null: An In-Depth Legal Analysis
16 December 2023 Insights on Sureties

When a surety bond is null: an in-depth legal analysis

A surety bond, a contract in which one party commits to guarantee the debt of another, is a crucial element in the financial and legal landscape. However, there are specific circumstances where a surety bond can be considered... » Read the article
stretta di mano
09 December 2023 Insights on Sureties

Bank Guarantee: What to Know Before Signing a Bank Guarantee

A bank guarantee is a contract of guarantee where the guarantor ensures to the beneficiary the payment of the debtor’s debts in case the latter is unable or unqualified to settle what is due. But what should you... » Read the article
02 December 2023 Insights on Sureties

The Role of the Extrajudicial Request in Suretyship: The Revolutionary Decision of the Milan Court of Appeal

Court of Appeal of Milan, Judgment No. 3115 of 2023, November 7, 2023 This recent decision of the Milan Court of Appeal has significantly influenced the Italian legal landscape, especially in the field of suretyship and obligations. The... » Read the article

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Abbiamo richiesto una fideiussione per permettere a due medici tanzaniani di venire in Italia per un corso di aggiornamento professionale.Il servizio di questa struttura ci ha permesso di ottenere il risultato richiesto in tempi rapidi e con la massima professionalità e cortesia.Il nostro progetto di sostegno all'Ospedale Tanzaniano ha appena iniziato il suo corso e certamente alle prossime occasioni ci serviremo ancora di questa struttura.
Chiara, corretta, veloce ed efficente
Grazie ☺️ a Cosimo e Debora, gentilissimi, celeri, servizio ottimo, 5 stelle ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Richiesta fideiussione per stranieri ieri mattina e in 24 ore ottenuta. Grazie e buon lavoro
Servizio perfetto e rapido, grazie alla grande gentilezza e professionalità della signora Mariana. Lo consiglio. Grace
Ho usufruito nuovamente dei loro servizi restando davvero soddisfatto, rapidi e precisi, hanno saputo rispondere a tutte le mie domande e mi hanno seguito per tutto il processo, usufruirò nuovamente dei loro servizi in futuro
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Very quick. I had the document within same day.