Posthumous Decennial Policy and C.A.R. Policy for Contracts

What is a CAR policy? And what does the CAR policy cover?

The CAR policy, an acronym for Contractor’s All Risks, is an insurance policy that protects the company and its partners from compensation for material and direct damage that the construction site, the building under construction, and the equipment might suffer. Thanks to the liability policy towards third parties, it also covers injuries or deaths of people working there or who may be involved, until the end of the works, thus covering “all the risks of the builder”.
Both the CAR policy and the indemnity posthumous decennial policy are mandatory. The new Code of Contracts under Article 103, paragraph 8, requires a ten-year posthumous insurance policy that must not be less than 20% of the value of the works performed:

Art. 103 Legislative Decree No. 50/2016

“8. For works exceeding twice the threshold referred to in Article 35, the contract holder for the settlement of the final installment is obliged to sign, from the date of issuance of the provisional acceptance certificate or the certificate of regular execution, or in any case twelve months from the date of completion of the works as per the related certificate, a ten-year indemnity policy covering the risks of total or partial ruin of the work, or the risks arising from serious construction defects. The policy must provide for the payment of the indemnity contractually due in favor of the client as soon as it is requested, even pending the determination of responsibility and without the need for consents and authorizations of any kind. The indemnity limit of the ten-year policy must not be less than twenty percent of the value of the work performed and not exceed forty percent, in respect of the principle of proportionality regarding the nature of the work. The executor of the works is also obliged to sign, for the works referred to in this paragraph, a liability insurance policy for damages caused to third parties, from the date of issuance of the provisional acceptance certificate or the certificate of regular execution and for a duration of ten years and with an indemnity equal to 5 percent of the value of the work performed with a minimum of 500,000 euros and a maximum of 5,000,000 euros.”

How much does the Posthumous Decennial Policy cost?

How much does the CAR Site or CAR Merloni Policy cost?

  • The cost varies between 0.90% and 1.5% of the value of the insured works, for a clear quote call us, we are quick and precise.

We can provide you with the Posthumous Decennial Indemnity Policy very quickly, but be aware: we can also provide the Posthumous if you have already signed the CAR policy with another Insurance Company.


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We have several insurance solutions for constructions and for public contracts:





We are able to issue the POSTHUMOUS DECENNIAL POLICY in just 24 hours from when we receive all the necessary documents.


We operate throughout Italy, including the islands.


We have an online consultation system, via phone, WhatsApp, and email to advise and assist the client without deadlines or limits, even after the purchase, so that you have a personalized posthumous decennial policy, suited to your needs.


We are accustomed to being bombarded with numerous unsolicited phone calls and advertising messages; our company firmly believes in the conscious and confidential use of data in its possession for strictly related use to the request of the posthumous decennial and we believe this makes the difference.

With us, your personal data is safe, also thanks to our protected computer systems.


Our professionalism is evident through our results and we invite you to read the experiences of our clients through reviews released on Google, you can find them at the bottom of this page; we are reliable, competent, flexible, consistent, and credible in our trade.


Our clients trust us knowing that we lead them to the best choice and solution for their construction site.


All these reasons would be very weak if we did not have the appropriate experience, our office is formed by insurance professionals who have gained extensive experience necessary to provide you with the best posthumous decennial indemnity insurance policy for your site, public or private.


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