The SOA Certification, in the construction and public procurement sector, is the essential passport to participate in projects of significant economic value.
This certificate allows companies to attest their ability to carry out construction sites related to public contracts with amounts exceeding €516,000 (a requirement introduced by the recent government maneuver).
In this article, we will delve into the requirements for obtaining the SOA Certification, offering a detailed guide to successfully navigate the process.
The SOA Certification is a mandatory document in Italy to participate in public tender competitions for works exceeding €135,000.00 (value modified by the 2018 Budget Law).
SOA stands for Organismo di Attestazione Società (Society Certification Body), and the document is issued by an accredited certification body that verifies the company’s ability to carry out public works in terms of economic-financial capacity, technical-organizational competence, and possession of professional qualification requirements.
The SOA Certification is proof that the company possesses the legal and professional requirements (equivalent qualifications) to carry out public works, including the quality and reliability requirements necessary to carry out works of certain economic and technical relevance.
It is an obligation of public clients to ensure the technical-professional capacity and reliability of general contractors operating within the scope of public works contracts.
Do You Need a Bank Reference to Obtain the SOA Certification?
Contact us directly online for a real-time response: you can also reach us on WhatsApp: +39 339.71.50.157 Send a message, and we’ll reply during business hours, within 5 minutes.
Or call one of our closest offices +39 055 49.32.199 – +39 02 667.124.17 o r send email at: info@italiafideiussioni.it
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Enhance your credibility with public clients: Invite interested companies to obtain or renew their SOA Certification to contact you to access your bank references. Emphasize how these references can strengthen their position in the certification process, highlighting the solid financial management and reliability of the company.
“Don’t leave your SOA qualification to chance. Contact us today to discover how our bank references can enhance your certification dossier, demonstrating your solid financial reliability to public clients. Ensure your leadership position in the public works sector.”
Bank references are essential for obtaining the SOA Certification for various reasons, essentially related to demonstrating the financial solidity and credibility of the applicant company to financial institutions. These bank references attest to the company’s ability to honor its financial commitments, a crucial aspect for public clients who need to entrust works to solid and reliable companies capable of managing projects of significant economic and technical importance without incurring financial risks.
In other words, bank references serve as a guarantee for public clients regarding the financial health of the company, showing a history of reliability and financial stability. Through these bank references, credit institutions confirm the company’s ability to manage adequate cash flows, access financing, and maintain prudent and effective financial management.
- Economic-Financial Capacity
The first requirement for obtaining the SOA Certification is to demonstrate adequate economic-financial capacity of the company, namely a stable financial situation reflected in economic indices and balance sheets that allow the management of considerable construction sites. In this sense, the role of bank references is fundamental; they demonstrate how the company is reliable and appreciated by credit institutions.
- Quality and Safety Certifications
The presence of quality and safety certifications compliant with current regulations is another requirement for the SOA Certification. These are specific certifications depending on the sector, such as ISO 9001 for quality, ISO 45001 for occupational safety, and others defined by regulations. In general, they validate the company’s commitment to appropriate managerial and organizational standards, aimed at constant improvement of its processes, and represent genuine attention to the safety of its employees.
- Contribution Regularity and Absence of Liens
A third essential element is related to contribution regularity and the absence of liens or criminal proceedings that may prejudice the company’s reliability. Checks that must be carried out with respect to INPS and INAIL, but largely also involve the absence of definitive sentences for crimes that entail the prohibition of contracting with the Public Administration.
- Registration in the SOA Registry
Finally, the fifth step, following the fulfillment of all the above requirements, is registration in the SOA Registry, following the submission of all documentation attesting to the existence of the aforementioned conditions. The Registry will oversee the evaluation of these conditions based on very stringent criteria, ensuring that only genuinely qualified companies can access major public procurement contracts.
Obtaining the SOA Certification requires careful preparation and the ability to demonstrate the company’s financial solidity, technical competence, commitment to quality and safety, and compliance with current tax and fiscal regulations.
Companies that follow this guide can confidently embark on the path to obtaining this essential certification to expand their business in the public procurement sector.
Ensure your participation in public tenders with maximum reliability: Encourage companies to establish a relationship of trust with you, using your bank references as a springboard to enhance their reputation and improve their chances of success in public tenders.
Do you want to guarantee your company as a reliable partner in public tenders?
Our bank references are the key to demonstrating your financial stability and professionalism. Contact us to leverage our credibility and stand out in the public works market.”
Visit ItaliaFideiussioni for more information and support in managing your bank reference and SOA certification needs.
Do You Need a Bank Reference to Obtain the SOA Certification?
Contact us directly online to receive a real-time quote, call one of our nearest branches: Tel. +39 055 49.32.199 – Tel. +39 02 667.124.17
Email: info@italiafideiussioni.it You can also contact us via