What documents are required to apply for a Tourist Visa?

To obtain a tourist visa, you must provide all documentation that proves your identity and that of the person who issued the invitation letter. You must have the necessary travel, accommodation, subsistence, and other documents. Here is the list of all documents, item by item.

Generally, the following documents are needed:

  1. Invitation letter/accommodation statement where the friend from Italy declares to host at his/her residence, also called Letter of Invitation for Foreigners for Tourist Visa Request or Guarantee Declaration and/or Accommodation – PROOF OF SPONSORSHIP AND/OR PRIVATE ACCOMMODATION. You can find the form at this link: Invitation letter.
  2. Travel health insurance policy, Visa Schengen Travel Insurance, is required to guarantee the payment of any medical expenses for health issues that may arise during the period in Italy, for an insured amount of €30,000.
  3. Recent passport-sized photograph;
  4. Travel document, passport, valid with an expiry date at least three months beyond the requested visa;
  5. Round trip travel ticket (or booking), or proof of availability of personal transport means;
  6. Proof of financial means of support, as per the directive from the Ministry of the Interior 1.3.2000, financial means can be demonstrated through a Bank Guarantee to ensure means of support for the entire period the foreign citizen remains in Italy, for a maximum amount of €3,905 (90 days);
  7. Documentation justifying one’s socio-professional status (that of the foreign citizen who wants to come to Italy);
  8. Availability of accommodation (hotel booking, hospitality declaration from the host, declaration of assumption of accommodation expenses by the host).

Keep in mind that each Italian Embassy may require additional documents. In this link from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, you can find addresses and phone numbers of all Italian diplomatic missions worldwide..


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Abbiamo richiesto una fideiussione per permettere a due medici tanzaniani di venire in Italia per un corso di aggiornamento professionale.Il servizio di questa struttura ci ha permesso di ottenere il risultato richiesto in tempi rapidi e con la massima professionalità e cortesia.Il nostro progetto di sostegno all'Ospedale Tanzaniano ha appena iniziato il suo corso e certamente alle prossime occasioni ci serviremo ancora di questa struttura.
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Ho usufruito nuovamente dei loro servizi restando davvero soddisfatto, rapidi e precisi, hanno saputo rispondere a tutte le mie domande e mi hanno seguito per tutto il processo, usufruirò nuovamente dei loro servizi in futuro
Personale all’ascolto della clientela, disponibile. La documentazione effettuata in due giorni. Raccomando a tutto.
Very quick. I had the document within same day.